We’d like to announce birth of our litter W.
Born 19.09.2019 – very special date date.

Due to specific and busy time in our homes, including birth of Afghan puppies we will put more info soon.
Babies are brindle and all doing fine, so mother Gaena.

Thank you Dorota for a perfect care and I keep fingers crossed for your Afghan puppies


So. I heard it happened, but never thought it would happened in my kennel.

Hiddekel GAENA gave birth of 8 puppies.
2 brindle boy
3 brindle girls
1 dark boy
2 dark girls

Why? It’s a good question and to solve it we made genetic color profils (in Certagen) of puppies and mother. There are few possibilities, but we’ll tell about them after results and it could take a little time.

It surprised us so much and it’s not a secret now.
But as always it’s a good lesson for us and possibility to learn more.
Puppies are strong, safe and sound.