JAS Azawakh 2019
judge: Marliese Muller (CH)
* Aulad al Sahra’s F’ATABA-NURI
open class, very good
* Hiddekel MANSA MUSA
puppy class, very promissing 2/5
* RHAROUS of Silverdale
intermedia class, excellent 4/6
Congratulations to rest polish team with most 'very good’ marks and to all.
For first I want thank to my little Wiktoria, for company and willing to learn a handling I hope you will go this way.
My big congratulations and thanks to my beloved Igor ( Almaz Crafting ), without you the beautiful statuets for JAS would never exist. The idea, project and realization you all made by your hands and I’m so, so so so proud of it. I’m sure another shows would be also happy to get your projects on their tables. I’m very thankfull for your time and support
I regret of be absent on Donaueshingen where rest of Hiddekel & Alhaya & Yalameh teams spent wonderful time and got superb achievements, but about it – soon! I hope you guys are already at homes Thank you for showing dogs from my kennel
Hope to see you all next year!
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