
…because 2016 was very happy!

Few days before end of this year all puppies found their New Owners. I’m so happy, because new homes are so perfect and puppies fit to them very well.

Genesis „Zarja” stay with Usimg_8656-kopia!





15778485_1383607058318934_1136294984_oOur Gayeri is under perfect care of Bożena & Szymon in Poland.




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Gaena „Gienia” right now is in home in Z Korczówki FCI with her dog friends afghans, puli and french buldogs in Poland.

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Gassam „Sniff” as a last male puppy found perfect home in famous afghans kennel Ingenue in Finland.

img_8605-kopiaGavinane „Thziva” is waiting for her Owners who will visit us in New Year. She will change her „polish passport” for „hungarian”.




img_8582-kopiaGanta is going to Israel to be one in dog/bird/horse pack.




15725283_1381428131870160_133978541_oGaralo lives in Russia with her afghans friends.











15433776_1321697297887379_3921791070050453205_nGourma is a new supervisor in his Owner’s stable.


Also in 2016

IMG_3658 bibi


  • Bianca became Bulagrian Champion, got BOG 1 in bulgarian CACIB
  • Jaśmina became Bulgarian Junior Champion , got BOG 3 on polish CACjasmina