– Hiddekel FCI –
Hiddekel – means 4th river of Eden. Today, it’s represented by Tiger river. I chose this name to underline power of the nature and the region of ancient Mesopotamia.
My kennel has been registered 1st September 2015.
We belong to
FCI and ZKwP
My adventure with dogs began in my childhood, when we adopted a puppy from a shelter. Unfortunetaly, he died 2 weeks later. Then, my parents bought Jagd Terrier, but for me, as an animal lover. it wasn’t enough. Then, I found a beautiful „dog nymph” – Saluki. I made some studies about their character and decided that I need that kind of dog in my life.
When I was young I saw a kid with golden Afghan Hound. This dog had an incredible silken hairs. Sometimes, I asked boy if I could walk around with him and his dog ;). There were a few Italian Grayhounds in my city, carried especially by women. Our old neighbour had a tinny creme Italian Sighthound female. She had a distance to everyone, she was true Sighthound.
In primary school I loved books with fairytales and happy endings. One of my favourites was 'Red Riding Hood’. In my opinion, I found a wolf from this story – it was, and is still for me, an Irish Wolfhound. This dogs are so big, so creepy that I’m crazy about them. When you are with IW, your imagination works very hard.
I met in my life a lot of people who showed me way to dog world. When I went to dog show in Germany I had occasion to meet another breeds and see my beloved Saluki for the first time. Untill now, I have very good contact with this breeder & owner.
Another part of my life is an art – I love photography. I decided that I will be Sighthound photographer. I created website Sigthounds.eu. Because of this, I met an Azawakh breeder from Poland. At Christmas 2013 Fara came to my home. Story about Saluki was also amazing for me. Fortunately, Fara’s sister is living in Japan. So, thanks to my Japanese friend & breeder, my dreamed Saluki – Bianca – appear in my life.
In my familly, there were always a place for animals: bunnies, fishes, dogs, cats. Now we have home with a big garden, where our dogs can spend time playing outside. We had 16 years-old Max – German Terrier, have Coco – Great Dane and Ivan & Masha – two Sphynx cats from my cattery. Temporarly, our guest was Jammy – Flat Coated Retriever.
My first steps with Sighthounds were in Poland. Now, with my girls&boys, I travel around Europe, where I can capture beautiful dogs and shows.