Here we are

Dear friends, we have made a decision to change a little our plans and we’ll be collecting waiting-list for a plans we are participated in. We’d be delightful…


Eidi n’amanar FAR’AAH 20.09.2013 – 29.03.2023 You were a door to another dimension…

Some photos of Roshi

Puppies R & Y

Happy to inform, that puppies from Azawakh litter R and Saluki litter Y are with their Families <3 Happy life babies!

R- puppies (movies)

movies by Magda Tutak-Matczak

8 days of R-life

R litter on a board

Today at Magda’s home we could welcome those 7 treasures.20.02.2021 2 boys 5 girls Hiddekel litter R Kids and mom are fine Hiddekel GAENA x RHAROUS of Silverdale


We expect puppies!

Beggining of the year started awesom for us! With confirmed pregnancy of our Ruda 🙂


To all Owners of Hiddekel puppies & friends we wish Happy New Year 2021 Aleksandra & family