CACIB Szczecin PL

It was one of the best show I ever been. Because of atmosphere, because of people and results that we achieved. I think every person under our tent was happy about it

judge of group X : Zafra Sirik

👑Hiddekel MANSA MUSA
vp 1 BOB Puppy
🏆 Best in Show Puppy 3 🏆
judge: Tomasz Kuszyk

💝Aulad Al Sahra’s FATABA NURI
Ex 1 BOB
Final cut at BOG X

🐆Hiddekel GAYERI
ex 1 BOS

🕊RHAROUS of Silverdale
very good, because 'he needs more confidence’

🌪Hiddekel FUBUKI
vp 1 BOB puppy

🐾Hiddekel FUKKATSU

It was wonderful day for team Hiddekel x Alhaya 😊

Hiddekel FUBUKI „Tokio”
[Pazada Star Alliance + JAY JP Arabian Song]

Our golden girl got her first BOB Puppy on CACIB Szczecin last weekend. Tokio is an amazing girl, very friendly, very focus on people and she is adorable as hell